Woohoo! It’s Thursday! That means I’m off to Chicago to spend the weekend with one of my best friends! But before I head to the airport, I made sure to jot down fiveĀ little things that made this week magical!

Eddie Redmayne confirmed to star in Harry Potter spin-off “Fantastic Beasts,”


Eating pizza after enjoying a beer festival with your friends,

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Pineapple wine cork holders,

Ain't that the #truth. #quote #shoes #cinderalla #blog #fashion #simplyleopard

Always needing new shoes,

Cheers to a relaxing Sunday enjoying a beautiful sunset, great sunset. and good. wine! Check the blog tomorrow (www.simplyleopard.com) to learn about the horrible prosecco shortage! #wine #prosecco #orangecounty #blog #sunday #weekend #simplyleopard
And finally, nights spent drinking wine by the fire while watching the sunset.


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